Mar 28, 2025  
2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog 
2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog

Teacher Education and Teacher Certification Requirements

Requirements for teacher education are subject to change without notice, at the response to Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education regulations and compliance directives. Students should consult Professional Education Services for up to date requirements as it pertains to a student’s specific admission, continuation, and completion of teacher education requirements. 

Teacher Education includes College of Education and Secondary Education programs which are housed in a variety of colleges across the university. The Teacher Education programs are interdisciplinary in nature and applicable to all students pursuing teacher certification. These programs are overseen by the Educator Preparation Provider (EPP) with an Educator Preparation Provider Council (EPPC) and subcommittees. All academic areas with a teacher education program participate in these committees and administer their programs in accordance with approved policies and curriculum. The following offices assist the EPP, EPPC, and the departments in administering the programs.

  • Educator Preparation Provider Head: Dr. Chris Craig, Hill Hall 228, 417-836-5215
  • College of Education Dean: Dr. Barri Tinkler, Dean, Hill Hall 230, 417-836-5254
  • Secondary Education: Dr. Andrew H. Homburg, Director, 417-836-6204
  • COE Advisement Center: Juli Panza, Director, Professional Education Services, 417-836-5429
  • Professional Education Certification: Kim Dubree, Teacher Certification Officer, 417-836-8772

Teacher Education

The professional education programs have received continuing accreditation by the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education for teacher preparation and certification. Admission to the University does not automatically qualify a student to participate in the professional component of teacher education. Academic and professional competence is required for admission to and continuation in teacher education. Completion of the program is designed to lead to certification to teach in Missouri public schools.

Postbaccalaureate teacher certification

Students who have already obtained a bachelor’s degree and are seeking Missouri teacher certification should contact the Professional Education Services office, 417-836-8772. This office provides a program evaluation service for initial certificates, advisement and assistance to gain certification and/or additional endorsements.

Diversity component

Diversity coursework is required through professional and program-specific courses. Students must consult with their program for specific program requirements.

Professional liability

All candidates for professional education programs at Missouri State University are required to have professional liability insurance coverage before being placed in the initial practicum, and/or subsequent clinical and field experiences. The proof of coverage must accompany all other required documentation prior to placement. No exceptions may be granted. For more information, refer to Professional Liability Insurance.

Transition points

All students pursuing Missouri certification are required to meet a series of Transition Points that will be assessed, evaluated, and monitored throughout teacher education with assistance and guidance from faculty. There are five distinct Transition Points students meet from entry to their education program to follow up postgraduate training.

Transfer credit

To apply transfer credit in Professional Education courses, a student enrolled at Missouri State should contact their academic advisor for assistance.

Teacher Education requirements

  1. Enroll in an Introductory Professional Education course. Consult your academic advisor to determine the introductory methods courses required in your program (ECE 304 , ELE 302 , ENG 304 KIN 200 , MUS 200 , SEC 302 , or SPE 310 ). The student must:
    1. Transfer students should meet with an academic advisor to determine whether EDC 150  is required.
    2. The introductory methods course may require a field experience. If so, you will be required to complete the Missouri Volunteer and Employee Criminal History Service (MOVECHS) wavier and FBI Fingerprinting Background Check prior to any field experience placement. For more information, refer to Compliance Documents Required for Practicum, Internship or Student Teaching.
  2. Requirements for Admission to and Continuance in Teacher Education: Students completing teacher certification requirements must be admitted to Teacher Education. Admission to the Program is required. Admission to the Teacher Education is required as a prerequisite to many professional education courses. Criteria used to determine admission to Teacher Education are outlined below.
    1. Met any specific GPA requirements for admission to teacher education as outlined in the undergraduate major.
    2. A combined (Missouri State and transfer) total of at least 45 credit hours for secondary and middle school majors, or 30 credit hours for early childhood, elementary, and special education majors.
    3. A passing score on one of the approved entrance exam options.
    4. A grade of “C-” or higher in COM 115  or have a transfer course transcripted as GEC 103.
    5. A passing grade as outlined in the undergraduate major in one of the following: ART 360 ECE 304 , ENG 304 KIN 200 , MUS 200 , SEC 302 , or SPE 310 . A transfer course transcripted as PEU 015 can be substituted for ELE 302  or SEC 302 .
    6. Completion of Missouri Volunteer and Employee Criminal History Service (MOVECHS) waiver and FBI Fingerprinting Background Check prior to starting any field experience placement. For more information, refer to Compliance Documents Required for Practicum, Internship or Student Teaching.
    7. Completion of Professionalism Contract and Student Contract.
    8. Completion of Initial Dispositions Self-Assessment.

Upon completion of the above requirements, a student’s record is reviewed and submitted to the Educator Preparation Provider Council (EPPC) for admission to Teacher Education. A student’s qualifications for continuance in Teacher Education is subject to review and change by the EPPC at any time while the student is enrolled. Students must consult with their program for specific program requirements.

  1. Requirements for Assignment to Supervised Teaching: Successful completion of supervised teaching is a requirement for teacher certification. Criteria used to determine eligibility for Supervised Teaching are outlined below.
    1. Admitted to Teacher Education and completion of Transition Point #1 and Transition Point #2.
    2. Current and valid Professional Liability Insurance.
    3. Completion of Missouri Volunteer and Employee Criminal History Service (MOVECHS) waiver and FBI Fingerprinting Background Check prior starting to any field experience placement. For more information, refer to Compliance Documents Required for Practicum, Internship or Student Teaching.
    4. Met any specific GPA requirements for supervised teaching as outlined in the undergraduate major.
    5. Completed all courses in the major (certificate-subject area) as outlined in the undergraduate major.
    6. A passing grade in all Professional Education courses as outlined in the undergraduate major. Students must consult with their program for specific program grade requirements.
    7. Completion of all coursework except supervised teaching, or have an approved exception on file.
      1. All core professional education course exceptions must be approved by the EPPC Exceptions and Compliance Committee.
      2. All other course exceptions must be approved by the program.
    8. Attempt the Missouri Content Assessment (MoCA) in the certification area (must be passed for certification recommendation).
    9. Verification by the academic advisor that all coursework and degree requirements have been met to proceed to supervised teaching.
    10. Final approval by the program coordinator in consultation with academic advisor(s) of the program in which the student is completing an undergraduate major or seeking certification.
  2. Requirements for Certification Recommendation: All state teacher certification requirements which are in effect at the time of certification as determined by Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (MoDESE) must be met. In addition, MoDESE will require a current and valid FBI background check prior to issuing a certificate. Criteria used to determine eligibility for recommendation for certification are outlined below:
    1. Successful completion of a state-approved education program at Missouri State University.
    2. A combined (Missouri State and transfer) GPA of 3.00 or higher in the Professional Education courses.
    3. A combined (Missouri State and transfer) GPA of 3.00 or higher in the major (certificate subject/content area) and for each additional area of endorsement.
    4. A passing score on all state-required certification assessments which are in effect at the time of certification as established by MoDESE. Current assessments include:
      1. Missouri Content Assessment (MoCA)
      2. Missouri Education Evaluation System (MEES)

Secondary Education

(Certifiable grades 9-12 and K-12)

Secondary education students must meet Teacher Education and Teacher Certification requirements.

The curriculum for secondary (9-12 and K-12) leads to the degree of Bachelor of Science in Education, Bachelor of Music Education, or Bachelor of Science - Modern Languages with an option in Teacher Certification and carries with it an Initial Professional Certificate (IPC) to teach in the state of Missouri.

  1. General Education Program (45-49 hours)
  2. Specific major requirements may also meet General Education Requirements. See the content discipline department for course listing. Students must also satisfy the following requirements which may be met through General Education coursework.
    1. Prerequisite for Professional Education courses is PSY 121 .
    2. International students must provide documentation of completion of coursework in the following:
      1. English Composition, two (2) courses, each a minimum of two (2) semester hours;
      2. U.S. History, three (3) semester hours; and
      3. U.S. Government, three (3) semester hours
    3. Admission to the Teacher Education Program requires completion of COM 115  with a grade of “C-” or higher or have a transfer course transcripted as GEC 103.
  3. Complete a subject area major not less than 30 hours or a comprehensive major of not less than 50 hours. See discipline department for major requirements. Although not required, minors must be no less than 15 hours. Note: Students who wish to be certified in an additional area of certification should check the state and departmental requirements in that area.
  4. Requirements for Professional Education Courses
    Some Professional Education courses require admission to Teacher Education. Students must consult their program for any additional admission to Teacher Education and degree requirements. The program outlined below has been designed to prepare teachers and to meet the requirements for Missouri state teacher certification. Note: A grade of “C-” or higher is required in each course.
    1. Required Core (25-35 hours):
      1. SEC 302 - General Methods of Instruction in the Middle and Secondary Schools . Note: Art Education majors satisfy this requirement by completion of ART 360 ; English Education majors satisfy this requirement by completion of ENG 304  ; Music Education majors satisfy this requirement by completion of MUS 200 ; Physical Education majors satisfy this requirement by completion of KIN 200 .
      2. PSY 360 - Educational Psychology .
      3. EDC 345 - Introduction to Multicultural Education and Diversity . Note: Art Education majors cover competencies in major requirements.
      4. SPE 340 - Educational Alternative for Exceptional Students . Note: Music Education majors satisfy this requirement by completion of MUS 340 ; Physical Education majors satisfy this requirement by completion of KIN 468 .
      5. LTC 474 - Reading and Writing in the Content Fields   . Note: English Education majors satisfy this requirement by completion of ENG 577 .
      6. LTC 574 - Analysis and Correction of Difficulties in Adolescent Literacy  . Note: B-12 and K-12 (Art and Design, Family and Consumer Sciences, Music, Physical Education and Modern Language) majors are not required to complete this course. Note: English Education majors satisfy this requirement by completion of ENG 576 .
      7. Teaching Methods Course (3-6). Courses are specified within the Professional Education section of the major requirements. Note: A teaching methods course is required for each area of certification.
      8. Supervised Teaching (8-12). Courses are specified within the Professional Education section of the major requirements.
    2. Additional required competencies or equivalent course(s) required for major
      1. EDC 150 - Transitional Pathway: Education . EDC 150  is required for students who completed a beginning teaching methods/field experience course at another institution and who wish to apply course credit toward completion of the SEC 302  requirement. Note: Agriculture Education, Music Education, and Physical Education majors cover competencies in major requirements.
      2. EDC 345 - Introduction to Multicultural Education and Diversity  . Note: Art Education majors cover competencies in major requirements.
      3. EDC 350 - School and Society . Note: Art Education, Family and Consumer Sciences Education, Modern and Classical Languages Bachelor of Science with an option in Teacher Certification, Music Education, Physical Education, and Speech and Theatre Education majors cover competencies in major requirements.
      4. EDT 365 - Educational Applications of Technology and Media . Note: Agriculture Education, Art Education, English Education, Family and Consumer Sciences Education, History (Social Science) Education, Mathematics Education, Music Education, Physical Education, and Speech and Theatre Education majors cover competencies in major requirements.
      5. SEC 302 - General Methods of Instruction in the Middle and Secondary Schools . Note: Art Education majors cover competencies in major requirements.
      6. SFR 486 - Management and Assessment in the Middle and Secondary Classroom . Note: Agriculture Education, Art Education, English Education, History (Social Science) Education, Mathematics Education, Music Education, Physical Education, and Speech and Theatre Education majors cover competencies in major requirements.
  5. Programs leading to teacher certification may require more than the University minimum of 120 hours for graduation. It is the student’s responsibility to meet all degree requirements. Refer to the program requirements for each major.
  6. General Baccalaureate Degree Requirements