Regional Studies:
12 hours in regional studies with at least one course in each of the following four regions. With advisor approval, and depending on content focus, the following courses may count toward various regions: ANT 330, ART 273, ECO 397, ENG 362, FRN 326, FRN 415, GRY 305, PLS 338, SPN 314.
World Languages:
Three hours beyond the 12-hour Bachelor of Arts foreign language requirement, for a total of 15 hours in a single language: Arabic, Chinese, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese, Russian, or Spanish. Other languages may be accepted upon the recommendation of the head of the Languages, Cultures and Religions Department. Partial or full credit toward this requirement may be granted through the transfer evaluation of eligible education abroad coursework or through the Department’s Credit for Prior Learning and Retroactive Credit Policies.