Note: With approval of advisor, up to three hours of the following can be substituted for one of the BIO courses listed in any option: BIO 300, BIO 399, BIO 499, or BIO 597.
Pre-Teacher Education Option
This option is designed for students preparing to enter post-graduate studies to become a high school science teacher. This program does not include courses in teacher education that are required by the state of Missouri for certification as a teacher. Certification requirements can be met through postbaccalaureate programs or master’s program at Missouri State University.
One Biology Course With a Substantial Field Component
A course used to satisfy this requirement also may be counted toward the biodiversity, population biology, and community/ecosystem biology concentration areas described above. Complete one of the following:
with a minimum of 18 hours from the following. BMS 524(3) may be substituted for one of these courses. CHM 302(5); or CHM 502(3) and 503(2); or CHM 504(3) and 505(1) may be substituted for one of these courses.