*Students who have completed the General Honors Core Curriculum may double-count one section of UHC 396 , UHC 398 , or UHC 410 towards the Distinction in the Major requirements.
Students interested in earning Distinction in the Major must complete a course and project proposal under the guidance of a faculty member in their major department. The proposal must be approved by the Department Head for the major and by the Director of the Honors College before a student may register for honors course sections. Distinction proposals must be approved prior to the beginning of a student’s senior year.
The Honors Distinction Project must be submitted to the Honors College on the final day of classes prior to a student’s graduation.
Students who complete all General Honors Core Curriculum requirements, all Distinction in the Major requirements, and earn a final institutional GPA of 3.25 or higher are eligible to graduate from the Honors College after they satisfy all other University degree requirements. Final transcripts and diplomas will include the notation “Bachelor of _______ (with possible grade point honors such as cum laude, magna cum laude, summa cum laude) in the Honors College with Distinction in ______.”