Sep 27, 2024  
2024-2025 Graduate Catalog 
2024-2025 Graduate Catalog

Graduate Policies & Procedures

Graduate Classifications


Students who wish to enroll in graduate-level courses to pursue a specific graduate degree at Missouri State University. Students seeking admission under this classification can contact the Graduate College at 417-836- 5331 or apply online (

Nondegree-Seeking (Unclassified)

Students who meet the general Graduate College requirements but are undecided on a specific degree or who wish to take courses for graduate credit are eligible for admission as a nondegree-seeking student.

Under this classification, students may register for courses for which they meet the prerequisite. They are not candidates for a degree and this classification does not offer assurance of future admission to a degree program. Generally, students in this classification are not eligible for financial aid. Graduate courses (600-level and above) taken as a nondegree-seeking student or a post baccalaureate student will be counted in the student’s graduate GPA. Graduate courses taken as a nondegree-seeking graduate student may be used toward a graduate degree if later admitted, but this use is limited to 30% of the required hours in this degree. Any C+ grade or below may jeopardize a student’s ability to enter into a degree program. Students seeking admission under this classification can contact the Graduate College at 417-836-5331 or apply online (

NOTE: A student may request a change from nondegree-seeking to a degree-seeking basis, or a change from one academic program to a different academic area of study. In these cases, acceptance into the program requested is based on the review and recommendation of the department. A new graduate application must be completed indicating the new planned program of study - apply online (


Students admitted into the postbaccalaureate classification have not been admitted to the Graduate College; they have only been given permission to enroll for graduate-level courses to earn graduate credit. A postbaccalaureate student is not required to furnish the application fee or transcripts and there is no minimum grade point average for admission. Enrollment as a postbaccalaureate student does not guarantee future admission into a specific degree program.

Postbaccalaureate students may take either undergraduate or graduate courses. Graduate courses taken as a nondegree-seeking graduate student (postbaccalaureate or graduate-undecided status) may be used toward a graduate degree if later admitted, but this use if limited to 30% of the required hours in the degree. Graduate courses (600-level and above) taken as a postbaccalaureate student will be counted in the student’s overall graduate GPA. Any C+ grade or below may jeopardize the ability to enter into a degree program.

Students under this classification have completed a bachelor’s degree and are graduate students. They are therefore governed by all Graduate College policies. Post-baccalaureate students must make satisfactory progress in graduate courses and any student receiving more than 9 hours of “C+” grade or below will not be allowed to enroll in further classes.

Generally, students in the postbaccalaureate classification are not eligible for financial aid. Students who first register in the postbaccalaureate classification and later initiate the process to change to a degree program will be required to submit the Graduate Admission Application along with the application fee and necessary transcripts. The application will be reviewed by the Graduate College and the director of the degree program to which the student applied and the student will be notified of the decision.

Individuals interested in admission as a postbaccalaureate student should contact Missouri State Outreach:Continuing and Distance Education at 417-836-4126 or toll free 877-678-2005.


Students who have received a master’s or higher graduate degree and wish to continue taking course work for graduate credit without pursuing another graduate degree. In this category, students should apply through the Extended Campus office or the Graduate College.

Research Compliance Requirements

Missouri State University requires that all research involving human subjects in any way, regardless of the source of support funds, must be reviewed by the Protection of Human Subjects Institutional Review Board (IRB) before it is undertaken. Applicants are required to complete online training before engaging in projects involving human participants. The Privacy Rule of the Human Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) contains additional requirements for anyone conducting human participant research that involves protected health information; online training is available on HIPAA for researchers. Research involving recombinant DNA techniques and other biohazards (e.g., infectious or venomous agents) must be reviewed by the Institutional.

Biosafety Committee (IBC). The IBC reviews the proposed research and consults with researchers on biosafety procedures; trains faculty, staff, and students involved in biohazardous research to obtain compliance with appropriate rules; and does surveillance of laboratory accidents involving biohazardous agents. The U.S. Public Health Service (PHS) Policy on Humane Care and Use of Laboratory Animals requires institutions to establish and maintain proper measures to ensure the appropriate care and use of all animals involved in research, research training, and biological testing activities conducted or supported by the PHS. In accordance with this policy, the University requires that all projects proposing to use live vertebrate animals be reviewed and approved by the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC). Participation in animal care and use training is required for anyone involved in using animals in research or teaching. Students, faculty, and staff who work with animals in educational and research activities are required to enroll in the Animal Occupational Health and Safety Program. This includes those who handle or are exposed to animal tissues, fluids, secretions and/or excretions, as well as those who handle cages and other equipment potentially exposed to animal tissues or excretions.

Graduate College

Complete information on training and documentation requirements can be found online through the Office of Research Administration ( All required training and documentation must be done prior to initiating research. No research will be accepted by the Graduate College if these requirements are not met.

Op3.19-7 Graduate Transfer Credit

On a case-by-case basis, Missouri State may accept graduate credit earned at other regionally accredited institutions or well-established international institutions. Acceptance of transfer credits on a graduate degree program occurs through recommendation of the student’s major advisor and approval of the Graduate College. Transfer hours may count for up to 30% of the required hours for a degree. The policy on transfer credit also applies to students who are currently enrolled in, but have not completed, a graduate degree program at another institution. As with all credits applied toward a graduate degree, transfer credits must have been earned within the eight-year time limit for a degree program. Grades on transfer courses accepted in the degree program are included in the overall graduate grade point average.

Collaborative Agreements

The limitation on transfer credit may be superseded when the university develops a collaborative agreement with another institution for delivery of an academic program. In cases where Missouri State University shares program responsibility with another institution, both institutions may teach courses that might be applied to a degree program. For more information on a specific program, see the appropriate section of the catalog.

Op3.19-8 Second Master’s Degree

A student who has been awarded a master’s degree at Missouri State University or at another accredited institution may be approved to transfer up to 30% of the total hours required for the second degree at Missouri State University. All courses must be approved by the advisor. This same policy applies to a student who is admitted to and working on two degree programs at Missouri State University at the same time. All courses must be approved by the advisor. Anyone working on an advanced degree at another institution, but who has not completed the degree, may be approved to transfer up to 30% of the total hours required for the Missouri State University program of study. (See Transfer Credit (

Op3.19-9 Grade Requirements for Degree

No course with a grade “C-” or below may be applied toward a graduate degree or graduate certificate. A graduate student becomes ineligible to continue in the current graduate program if more than 9 semester hours of “C+” or lower are earned in graduate courses taken in the degree program, or if the student does not meet any additional specific degree retention requirements imposed by a department or program.

Op3.19-10 Graduation

The deadline for the Application for Graduation is the first week of the semester in which the student plans to graduate. A student is advised, however, to apply in advance of the semester that they intend to graduate.

  1. Complete the online Graduate Application to Graduate located through My Missouri State.
  2. Students should work closely with the advisor to ensure that all of the degree requirements are met.
  3. Students who have completed all course work and are only working on their research component may sign up for GEN 798 (Active in Research). This zero credit course offered at a reduced fee ($75) allows the following:
  • access to the library, including online services such as interlibrary loans, MOBIUS, and restricted access databases;
  • opportunity to purchase a parking permit; and
  • access to computer services and campus email.

GEN 798 is graded as “P” (pass) or “N” (if the student discontinues participation and is dropped from the course).

Graduate College Policies and Procedures


Senior permission and mixed credit forms

There are two special circumstances allowing an undergraduate student to enroll for graduate credit. A “Senior Permission” form is used by senior undergraduate students wishing to take 600- and above level courses that will count for graduate credit. This form must be completed at the time of registration and submitted in person to a registration center. Please note that courses designated for graduate credit will NOT apply to the undergraduate program. For more information, see Senior Permission listed under Graduate College: Special Academic Opportunities.

Undergraduate students accepted into an Accelerated Master’s Program need to complete a “Mixed Credit” form for courses that will be utilized to satisfy both undergraduate and graduate degree requirements. This form must be submitted in person to a registration center. For more information, see Accelerated Masters listed under Graduate College: Special Academic Opportunities.