Sep 27, 2024  
2023-2024 Graduate Catalog 
2023-2024 Graduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

University Information and Accreditations

Learn More About the University

  • History of the University
  • Mission Statement
  • Declaration of University Community Principles
  • Guide to Services
  • Faculty and Administrative Staff (as of September 12, 2022)


  • Missouri State University is under the general control and management of the Board of Governors, which according to statutes of the state of Missouri, possesses full power and authority to adopt all needful rules and regulations for the guidance and supervision of the University.
  • The President is the chief executive officer of the University, responsible to the Board of Governors for the administration of institutional policies and operations.
  • The Administrative Council includes the central administrators who work to develop and implement the goals and priorities of the University.
  • The Faculty Senate is the representative body for the full-time faculty that provides a means of collective action of the faculty in dealing with matters of concern to the faculty, including matters of curriculum.
  • The Graduate Council is part of the faculty governance process, acting on graduate-level curriculum matters, programs, general policies and appointments to the Graduate Faculty.

Centers for Research and Service


Both basic and applied research are vital functions essential to the mission of the University. These activities further complement teaching by providing depth, breadth, and application to the learning process. The University believes that its research efforts must (1) contribute to the discovery, preservation and dissemination of new knowledge, (2) foster application and integration for problem solving and improvement of society, and (3) provide students with opportunities to develop an appreciation for research and to learn a research methodology consistent with their chosen area of specialization.

Financial support for research activities comes from institutional funds as well as gifts, grants, and contracts from private and public sponsors (see Office of Sponsored Research and Programs listed under University Services). The scope of research activities at Missouri State University encompasses individual faculty research, departmental research programs, the activities of the University’s research centers, and the operations of the Research Campus at Mountain Grove. Graduate students have many opportunities for involvement in these areas.


Missouri State University has established focused research and service centers that provide part of the organizational structure for meeting the University mission.”Center” is a descriptor for formally recognized units, including institutes, bureaus and stations that function as an adjunct to the traditional University units (i.e., colleges and/ or academic departments). The support base for Centers is primarily from external sources, including grants, contracts, and fees (for services, workshops, conferences, etc.). These centers are active in multi-disciplinary research, education, training and service projects that serve both the University and external entities. Each year a number of graduate students are involved in the research and service projects that are conducted through Centers. A listing of Missouri State University Centers follows:

  • Agriculture Research and Demonstration Center
  • Bull Shoals Field Station
  • Center for Archaeological Research
  • Center for Community Engagement
  • Center for Continuing and Professional Education
  • Center for Dispute Resolution
  • Center for Grapevine Biotechnology
  • Center for Homeland Security
  • Center for Project Innovation and Management Education (C-PRIME)
  • Center for Learning and Writing (Bear CLAW)
  • Center for Resource Planning and Management
  • Center for Scientific Research and Education
  • Center for Social Science and Public Policy Research
  • Community and Social Issues Institute
  • Efactory
    • Management Development Institute
    • Small Business and Technology Development Center
  • Jordan Valley Innovation Center
    • Center for Biomedical and Life Sciences
    • Center for Applied Science and Engineering (CASE)
  • Mid-America Viticulture & Enology Center
  • Ozarks Environmental and Water Resources Institute
  • Ozarks Public Health Institute
  • Southwest Missouri Area Health Education Center

Public Service

In order to serve the public, Missouri State University incorporates resources of knowledge, skills, and artistry into the mainstream of society. The role, therefore, of public service at the University is to make available the University’s physical resources and human expertise for the purpose of meeting needs or solving problems of various public constituents.

The most important public service resources of the University are the diverse and specialized talents of the faculty, staff, and students. The scope of the public service program includes community education, research that informs the public on the natural environment and social issues, cultural and entertainment events,recreational activities, clinical and diagnostic services, conferences and institutes, public broadcasting services,professional development clinics and seminars, summer workshops and camps, and faculty/staff consulting activities.

A number of the University Centers contribute extensively to the public, as well as the research efforts of theUniversity. For example, the Institute for School Improvement provides a broad range of services to school districts of the region. Similarly, the Center for Resource Planning and Management regularly assists municipalities and counties in moving toward solutions to various problems. The mission of the Community and Social Issues Institute is to serve as a catalyst to organize and apply the research and service capacity of theUniversity to assist public and private organizations in addressing social issues of the community. The Center for Dispute Resolution provides its expertise to agencies and many local organizations. These are representative of the many public service areas of the university.

Accreditations and Memberships

The University is accredited to offer graduate degrees by The Higher Learning Commission, a commission of the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools.

Institutional Accreditation

The Springfield and West Plains campuses of Missouri State University are separately accredited by the Higher Learning Commission of the North Central Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools - a nationally recognized regional accrediting organization. Institutional accreditation has been continuously maintained since1915 with the most recent approval occurring in 2015-2016 and resulting in full accreditation for the maximum allowable ten-year period. Accreditation of an institution by the Higher Learning Commission indicates that it meets or exceeds criteria for the assessment of institutional quality periodically applied through a peer group review process. An accredited school or college is one which has available the necessary resources to achieve its stated purposes through appropriate educational programs, is substantially doing so, and gives reasonable evidence that it will continue to do so in the foreseeable future. Institutional integrity is also addressed through accreditation. Accreditation by the Higher Learning Association is not partial; it applies to the institution as a whole. As such, it is not a guarantee of the quality of every course or program offered, or the competence of individual graduates. Rather, it provides reasonable assurance about the quality of opportunities available to the students who attend the institution.The Statement of Affiliation Status and the Organizational Profile for Missouri State University can be found at

Accreditations - Graduate

Specific graduate programs are professionally accredited by regional and national organizations. Refer to departmental webpage for specific information. Memberships Missouri State University is a member institution of the Council of Graduate Schools in the United States and the Midwestern Association of Graduate Schools.